Adrenal burnout

So how does the body respond when it is under threat?

When the sympathetic nervous system is activated the body goes through a number of changes designed to get the body ready to ‘fight’ or run. These include

  • Heart rate increases and atrial blood vessels constrict
  • The rate of respiration increases so as to be able to increase the uptake of oxygen. Each breath becomes fast and shallow.
  • The rate of digestion declines so as blood can be diverted to other areas of the body
  • Muscles constrict and tense in preparedness for a quick response
  • All sensory organs become hypersensitive in order to detect imminent threats
  • The body perspires in an effort to cool down and expel waste

Is your body constantly under attack?

For some people who are faced with constant stress (work, finance, family) or who are very sensitive to stress triggers the sympathetic nervous system can be constantly switched on! Chronic stress has many negative impacts on our health including adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue occurs when excessive overstimulation of the adrenal glands leads to loss of its function. Symptoms of Adrenal fatigue include:

  • Fatigue, lethargy and low energy
  • Feeling rundown
  • Craving salty foods
  • nausea and dizziness
  • Anxiety, depression and insomnia
  • Impairment of memory and concentration
  • Low libido and sex drive

How Can Acupuncture Help

In Chinese medicine the adrenal glands are viewed as being part pf the functional aspect of the kidney. It then follows that treatment of stress related complaints focusing upon rebalancing kidney energies. TCM and Acupuncture has the capacity to reprogram the body’s stress response and essentially “switch off” the adrenal hormones. It can do this by using specific acupuncture points which regulate the kidneys. This can result in patients feeling calmer, more relaxed and more confident in dealing with the minor and major stresses confronted on a day to day basis

Most or all of the symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue have been evidenced in my practice to be treated effectively with acupuncture and research shows that acupuncture is an effective method and you can click on the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) link below for an A – Z of conditions and the evidence

There are other things you can do such as diet and lifestyle changes by minimising the use of caffeine, refined flours, sugar which can cause inflammation. Practice stress management and relaxation techniques and most importantly have fun, laugh and make pleasure a regular part of your life